Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At CloudLions, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our file-sharing service. Please read this policy carefully. By using our website, you agree to the terms outlined below.

1. Information We Collect

We collect personal information that you voluntarily provide when you register for an account, such as:

  • Email address for account creation and login.
  • Name and payment details (bank account, PayPal, or USDT wallet) for processing earnings when the minimum threshold of $20 is reached.

2. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use cookies to help manage user sessions. Specifically, we use the "cl_auth_key" cookie to keep you logged in for up to one month. Additionally, we use Google Analytics to track site usage and improve performance. This may involve the collection of non-personally identifiable information such as IP addresses, device type, and browsing activity.

3. How We Use Your Information

Your information is used for the following purposes:

  • To create, manage, and secure your account on CloudLions.
  • To process payments for your earnings when you reach the $20 minimum payout limit, based on your provided payment method.
  • To analyze site performance using cookies and Google Analytics, which helps us improve our services.

4. Sharing of Information

We share your personal information only with trusted third-party payment processors, such as banks, PayPal, or USDT wallets, solely for the purpose of processing payments. We do not sell or share your information with other third parties for marketing or advertising purposes.

5. Data Security

At CloudLions, we implement strong security measures to protect your personal information. All sensitive information, including passwords, is encrypted before being stored. We also use secure servers and adhere to industry best practices to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

6. User Rights and Data Management

You have the right to manage the data you provide. This includes:

  • Deleting any files you have uploaded to our service.
  • Requesting the deletion of your account, including all associated personal information, by contacting us at [email protected].

7. Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for children under the age of 13. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child without parental consent, we will delete the data immediately. If you believe we have collected data from a child, please contact us at [email protected].

8. Compliance with Legal Frameworks

We comply with applicable data privacy laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This ensures your data is protected according to the highest legal standards.

9. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, legal obligations, or for other reasons. We encourage users to regularly review this policy to stay informed about how we handle personal information.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

We will do our best to respond to your inquiries promptly and address your concerns.

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